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Cover Page
Financial Statements
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Parentheticals)
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income and Comprehensive Income (Loss) (Unaudited)
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income and Comprehensive Income (Loss) (Unaudited) (Parentheticals)
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity (Unaudited)
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited)
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited) (Parentheticals)
Notes to Financial Statements
Accounting Policies
Goodwill and Intangible Assets
Earnings Per Share
Reserve for Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses
Other Comprehensive (Loss) Income
Contingent Liabilities
Segment Information
Other Operating Expenses and Other Expenses
Fair Value Measurements
Senior Debt
Series A Preferred Shares
Capital Stock and Equity Awards
Subsequent Events
Accounting Policies
Accounting Policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Accounting Policies (Tables)
Investments (Tables)
Goodwill and Intangible Assets (Tables)
Earnings Per Share (Tables)
Reserve for Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses (Tables)
Other Comprehensive (Loss) Income (Tables)
Segment Information (Tables)
Other Operating Expenses and Other Expenses (Tables)
Fair Value Measurements (Tables)
Capital Stock and Equity Awards (Tables)
Notes Details
Accounting Policies - Narrative (Details)
Accounting Policies - Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet (Unaudited) (Details)
Accounting Policies - Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income and Comprehensive Income (Loss) (Unaudited) (Details)
Accounting Policies - Condensed Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity (Unaudited) (Details)
Investments - Schedule of Available-for-Sale Investments (Details)
Investments - Schedule of Contract Maturities (Details)
Investments - Schedule of Gross Unrealized Losses and Fair Value (Details)
Investments - Narrative (Details)
Investments - Summary of Realized Gains and Losses (Details)
Investments - Summary of Private Debt and Equity (Details)
Goodwill and Intangible Assets - Narrative (Details)
Goodwill and Intangible Assets - Schedule of Goodwill and Intangible Assets (Details)
Earnings Per Share - Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share (Details)
Earnings Per Share - Narrative (Details)
Reserve for Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses - Narrative (Details)
Reserve for Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses - Reserve for Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses, Net of Reinsurance (Details)
Other Comprehensive (Loss) Income - Summary of Components of Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) (Details)
Other Comprehensive (Loss) Income - Narrative (Details)
Contingent Liabilities - Narrative (Details)
Segment Information - Narrative (Details)
Segment Information - Summary of Segment Results (Details)
Segment Information - Reconciliation of Operating Segments by Individual Segment (Details)
Other Operating Expenses and Other Expenses (Details)
Fair Value Measurements - Summary of Assets Fair Value on a Recurring Basis (Details)
Fair Value Measurements - Summary of Available-for-Sale Fixed Maturity Securities Measured at Fair Value on a Recurring Basis (Details)
Fair Value Measurements - Narrative (Details)
Fair Value Measurements - Summary of the Carrying Value and Fair Values of Financial Instruments (Details)
Senior Debt (Details)
Series A Preferred Shares (Details)
Capital Stock and Equity Awards - Common Shares (Details)
Capital Stock and Equity Awards - Summary of Cash Dividends Declared (Details)
Capital Stock and Equity Awards - Equity Incentive Plans (Details)
Capital Stock and Equity Awards - Summary of Option Activity (Details)
Capital Stock and Equity Awards - Summary of RSU Activity (Details)
Capital Stock and Equity Awards - Summary of Share Based Compensation Expense (Details)
Capital Stock and Equity Awards - Compensation Expense (Details)
Subsequent Events (Details)
All Reports